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Apartment Upgrades Jeopardizing Your Security Deposit

When you move into a new apartment, you may have grand plans to make it feel like home by adding personal touches and upgrades. While it’s natural to want to improve your living space, it’s essential to be mindful of the terms of your lease and the potential impact on your security deposit. Many apartment …

Ghana’s Rental Market: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

The rental market in Ghana is a dynamic landscape influenced by various economic, social, and cultural factors. Investigating the trends and challenges within this market provides valuable insights into the rental preferences of tenants, the demand for properties, and the intricate web of factors that influence rental prices. This article delves into the intricacies of …

Rent to own home options in Ghana

Rent-to-own homes, also known as lease-to-own homes, can be an attractive option for individuals in Ghana who are unable to obtain a mortgage to purchase a home outright. These properties are leased to a tenant with the option for the tenant to purchase the home at a later date. Rent-to-own homes can be a good …