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Gentrification in Ghana: Impact and Solutions for Affordable Housing

Gentrification is the process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, often displacing current inhabitants in the process. Gentrification is derived from the word ‘gentry,’ which historically referred to people of an elevated social status. Numerous cities around the world experience …

How to Save Money on Construction Costs with These 5 Ja-Affordable Concrete Alternatives!

After water, concrete is the most used construction material. However, concrete has a huge ecological footprint in the form of green house emissions and natural resource exploitations. Therefore, the construction industry is in search of concrete alternatives, which are cheap, viable and environmentally friendly. In this blog post, I will discuss five cheap concrete alternatives. …

How we Made a Fortune with These 10 Insider Tips for Finding a Profitable Real Estate Investment in Ghana

Property investment is one of the most popular investment types especially in Ghana where the stable property market is often considered a worthwhile long term investment. This is providing that all of the key considerations have been conducted, to maximize return on investment. Nevertheless, with the right knowledge and advice to guide you through the …

Affordable Housing in Ghana: Challenges and Solutions

Ghana is facing a severe shortage of affordable housing, with high prices and limited options for many residents. This blog post explores the history and current state of affordable housing in Ghana, as well as the various initiatives that have been implemented to address this issue. We also examine the challenges and potential solutions for increasing the supply of affordable housing.