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Discover the Top 8 Indoor Plants That Even Beginners Can’t Kill!

Before you get nervous, you should know that you don’t even have to be a plant expert to flaunt some gorgeous greenery in your space. Becoming a good plant parent is all about picking what works for you. When choosing a plant, you should consider the type of lifestyle, habits, and home environment you have. An extra bonus is plants will increase your home air quality. Here is a list of some indoor plants you might want to put in your home:

  1. Monstera Deliciosa
Monstera Deliciosa
image source unsplash

You’ve probably seen a lot of these trendy Monstera Deliciosa plants all over Insta and at a trendy friend’s apartment because they give off tropical vibes no matter where you are. Simply water them every two weeks and you’re set to go.

  1. Sansevieria (Snake Plant)
Sansevieria (Snake Plant)
image source unsplash

If you tend to kill any flowers your friends buy you within a couple of days, then this is for you. Snake plants are a low-maintenance plant known for surviving droughts, making them perfect for newbies living in almost any environment.

  1. Dracaena Gold Star
Dracaena Gold Star
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Another easy-going, low-maintenance plant, the Dracaena Gold Star can easily adapt to a wide range of low to high light environments. It’s an easy, fun way to dress up that awkward empty corner in your space by adding some life to it.

  1. Peace Lily
Peace Lily

If you have experience keeping indoor plants alive, it may be time to add a peace lily to your houseplant mix. They require a little bit more tender loving care, so ensure the soil is moist at all times, and you will have beautiful blooming lilies in no time.

  1. Ponytail Palm
Ponytail Palm
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With its funky, tendril-like leaves and resilience in the face of drought, this fountain-like plant is a fun addition to any home. It requires very little care but has a festive look to it.

  1. Parlour Palm
Parlour Palm
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You will feel like you are in your very own tropical garden when you buy a parlour palm. Since you only need to water it once every couple of weeks, it’s much easier to handle than flying to the rainforest.

  1. Peperomia
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The best part of the Peperomia is that it can handle pretty much any level of sunlight, so it’s not off the market for you if you’re not blessed with sky-high ceilings in your tiny studio apartment. It’s a cheerful little plant that may even give you a few flower spikes once a year.

  1. Dracaena Marginata
    Dracaena Marginata

This pick can be toxic to pets, so if you have a furry little loved one at home, skip it. For everyone else, this is one of the easiest plants to care for since it can thrive just fine in hardly any light.

Having a plant is a learning process and can be a bit stressful if you’re new to it or have many other obligations in life. So opt for something low-maintenance indoor plants if you’re just starting your plant parent life. When it comes to what will thrive in your home, you should evaluate how much light your space gets. Plants have somewhat specific lighting needs, so selecting a plant that’s matched to your light level means it will thrive.

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[…] vines: Plants can help to regulate the temperature of your home, and planting vines like ivy is a great way to […]

[…] way to tire them out so they will go to sleep nice and quickly, making it a win-win. A home with a garden gives you this, but a local park offers wide open spaces and play equipment as well as the chance […]

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